3D-Fuel and Raise3D Collaborate to Certify Pro PLA Filament
After extensive testing, 3D-Fuel and Raise3D are proud to announce that 3D-Fuel Pro PLA filament is the first 3D printing material certified in Raise3D's Open Filament Program. 3D-Fuel Pro PLA is an easy-to-use 3D printing material that has over twice the impact strength than ABS, but with no toxic fumes. Pro PLA is engineered and designed specifically with 3D printing in mind. It is designed with the high impact strength needed in industrial applications to meet the growing demands for a material with the properties of ABS but the printability of PLA. Compared to Standard PLA, Pro PLA has up to 12x the impact strength as well as greater heat resistance. Download IdeaMaker 3D-Fuel Pro PLA Settings Check this guide to learn how to upload the printing profile to IdeaMaker. [kleo_button title="Shop 3D-Fuel Pro PLA Filament" href="https://www.3dfuel.com/product-category/ingeo-plas/pro-pla/" style="highlight" size="lg" ]